Flowers Fade... One Woman's Walk through the Word


Reflection #2

I am finishing up the life of David, about to move on to the reign of Solomon, and I thought I would pause for a moment and just reflect on the reading experience thus far. I am roughly halfway done with the Old Testament, and the word that comes to mind is "idols." I think this is a combination of reading about all the idols that have tempted the Israelites so far in the OT stories as well as the realization that idols are all around us today, drawing us away from God and trying to captures our hearts. And idols are so tricky... bad things can become idols... sex, drugs, addictions of all, sports, gambling, etc. Good things can become idols... church-going, Bible study, writing a blog about the Bible, friendships, relationships, service. Abstract things can become idols... fear, comfort, security. How crazy that so many different things can pull us away from God and His calling for us. It's weird to think that this blog could become an idol - even though its intent is to teach me to reflect on what I read in the Bible. So far, so good, I think. I am pretty sure I error on the side of NOT idolizing it and should become more disciplined. It's strange to think that even my fear could become an idol. If I am afraid of something and I let it control me instead of allowing God to control me, my fear has become my god. This is just a jumble of thoughts I have had from reading the OT, reflecting on my own life, and hearing the stories of other Christians in my community... I just want to live my life according to David's words to Solomon... "set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God" (I Chronicles 22:19).

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