Flowers Fade... One Woman's Walk through the Word


Reflection #3 - The Psalms

One of the challenges in reading through The Psalms over the past few weeks has been having to read them so quickly. I always want to read slowly and reflect on each one, but instead, when I finish one, I often have three or four left to read for the day, sometimes more. While this is sometimes frustrating, as I don't feel I get enough time to meditate on the songs, it is also a great reminder that the Psalms are not just worship, but they are true theology. The Psalms have taught me so much about God's character, about His salvation plan throughout history, they have convicted me to pray for non-believers, help the poor and needy, wait patiently for God in times of injustice and struggle, and so much more. Even though it's overwhelming to read five Psalms in a day, it is a great reminder of God's goodness on so many different levels, toward so many different people, and is so many different situtaions.

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