I just finished the Gospels today. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Done. I am so excited to begin Acts tomorrow. The stories of the early church and God's amazing movement in building the Christian faith and the work of the Holy Spirit as the Gospel spreads "to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem" (Luke 24:47) is one of my favorite parts of the whole Bible. But more about that later.
Yesterday I read about Christ's crucifixion and today about his empty tomb. How amazing is it that our God overcame death? I mean, I guess He wouldn't be our God if he hadn't - He would be like all the other powerless, dead gods that people worship all over the world. But our God is real. He is active. He is living. He is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven advocating on our behalf. He has conquered death and He is returning to earth again someday, not as the meek, humble Savior like the first time, but as powerful King and conqueror. Amazing. I just wanted to reflect for a minute on how much I love Jesus. He died for me. He was like a sheep silent before its shearers when He was being accused and convicted of crimes He had never committed. He lived the perfect, righteous life on this earth, and then died the death that I deserved. He suffered all of God's wrath against every sin ever committed in the history of the earth, and then he "gave up his Spirit" (John 19:30). He willingly tasted death, so that I might know Him and live with Him eternally. Then three days later, he arose from the grave because death could not hold him. He walked again on this earth in his glorified body and then ascended to be with the Father in heaven once again, with the promise that He would return again one day, and that through His Holy Spirit, He will be with us always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20). That's my God. Is that your God too?
Tugas Copywriting
4 years ago
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